Decode the signals your skin sends to you.

Skin types seem complex and confusing, but in fact they are very easy to understand.
On the other hand, inappropriate skin care products may irritate the skin and make it look worse, or the grains can be spread because of these products.
There are five types of skin: normal, fatty, dry, mixed, and sensitive.

Normal skin
Normal skin and healthy expressions do not look too bright or excess fat.
Regular skin needs proper care to maintain its youthfulness and healthy appearance. It is important to remember that a person’s skin changes from month to month due to hormonal changes. This also varies in the summer months due to increased sun exposure, as well as during pregnancy and menopause, all of which can significantly change healthy skin expressions.
Regular skincare
One of the best ways to take regular skin care is proper nutrition and supplements.

Oily skin care
While the best way to remove these fats seems to be harmful drying products such as those containing benzyl peroxide, this is not the case. In such cases, the body can resist more to excrete more fat in order to balance dried products.
The right way to care for oily skin is to allow fat to flow smoothly across many layers. Gentle exfoliation of the skin is also essential because it removes old skin cells that may be trapped in the skin and cause pimples. And remember: the cleaning process should be gentle and thorough. Do not use harsh fiber or sharp peels, as this will cause redness of your face and pain for you.
People with frequent outbreaks of pills in their skin can look at what they eat, as well as their way of cleaning their faces. Avoid foods that contain a large amount of fat, starches and sugars, such as pizza, burgers, French fries, ice cream, sweets and fried foods. They should also drink 8-10 glasses of water every day to keep their faces hydrated and to help remove impurities that are present inside the body as well.

Recommended products for oily skin
A gentle cleanser is recommended for people with greasy skin and clogged pores.

Dry skin
Dry skin is usually characterized by peeling, pigmentation and redness.
Dry skin is the opposite of oily skin, as sebum in the inner layers of the skin is produced in appropriate quantities. Even if this type of skin appears to lack water hydration, the use of water will make it drier. This type of skin needs good hydration to rehydrate dry cells.
Cleaning dry skin is also very important.

Mixed skin
Most people have mixed skin, but their problems vary according to their presence.
Focus on natural nutrients
People with mixed skin cannot use harmful chemicals, and should avoid products that contain a lot of benzoyl peroxide. Natural ingredients, such as vitamins and fruits, can be easily identified and can be obtained from sustainable sources.
Use two products to moisturize your skin
After you clean your face well, apply two different types of moisturizers to trouble spots.
The oily area of the skin requires its own products, and it is good to use a lotion or moisturizer containing the tea tree.

Sensitive skin
Sensitive skin can include dry skin, mixed or oily skin, but it is redder and more irritating.
Dermatologists use a rating scale to help people with allergy problems determine what type of treatments they should use. Scientific studies show that this type of skin tends to burn more easily, as well as varying degrees of specks that can be associated with increased grain outbreaks on the skin.
Signs of redness, irritability and outbreaks of grains:
When dealing with redness and irritation in allergic areas, it may be useful to use a facial sponge for sensitive skin.
Moisturizing sensitive skin is as important as oily or dry skin.

Quick advice for all skin types
When considering which products we use for our skin, it is important for a person to determine the type of skin he or she possesses. Using the right products and giving away harmful chemicals, this can help get healthy and beautiful skin.

Benefits of Collagen Supplements

Muscles, bones, skin, and tendons are composed primarily of collagen, the most abundant type of protein in the human body. To be specific, collagen consists of 30-35 percent of all the protein in the human body. Collagen protein is also known as connective tissue and is responsible for stabilizing our skin and maintaining joint movement and flexibility.  In addition, collagen provides our skin with elasticity. Studies show that collagen supplementation has many benefits, which include reduced facial wrinkles and helping to get rid of cellulite.  I will discuss this further in this article.

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and becomes more wrinkled. The are many reasons for this- reduced ability to manufacture collagen is partly responsible while life’s stressors and oxidative damage also play a significant role. Those with extra melanin in their skin are more protected from ultraviolet sunlight and ultraviolet damage, which I call “Melan protection”. However, those with less melanin are at higher risk for solar damage and increased risk for premature aging.

Collagen Supplements usually consist of the following amino acids, which scientists separate amino into three categories:

  • Essential amino acids – This type of amino acid needs to be consumed in the diet and cannot be manufactured by the body. They include lysine, serine, threonine, leucine, valine, phenylalanine, methionine, isoleucine, histidine and hydroxylysine.
  • Conditionally essential amino acids- This type of amino acid the body can usually make, but under physically stressful states, the body may not make enough and supplementation may be helpful.  They include glycine, proline, glutamine (glutamic acid), alanine and tyrosine.
  • Non-Essential amino acids- This type of amino acid is very important to the body, but they are labeled non-essential as the body is able to make them.  Consuming this amino acid in the diet is not required but doing so is NOT harmful.  They include hydroxyproline, arginine and aspartic acid.

Various collagen manufacturers use different sources for their product.  While some use bovine (cow) sources, others use fish.  California Gold Nutrition uses a quality marine sourced collagen which makes it perfect for pescatarians, that is, those who avoid all meat aside from fish.

Collagen supplements contain a wide variety of amino acids necessary for hair growth as well as skin, tendons and bone health. Collagen is a good option for those who may want to ensure they are getting adequate amino acids but want to consume them using a gluten- and dairy-free supplements. Weightlifters frequently use collagen supplementation to ensure they maximize muscle growth.  Sometimes they chose whey protein powder.

Types of Collagen in the Body

Scientists have identified at least 28 types of collagen.  However, 90 percent of the collagen in the human body is Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 5.

  • Collagen Type 1 – Composes tendons, organ and bone. Type 1 collagen accounts for 80-90 percent of our collagen.
  • Collagen Type 2- Cartilage in knees, shoulders and other joints
  • Collagen Type 3 – Main type of cartilage of reticular fibers. Commonly present with Type 1.
  • Collagen Type 5 – Use to make hair and present on skin surface.

Perk up Your skin with our Rose Gold Serum

Fight aging and acne with a daily application of Rosé Gold Serum  

It’s no secret that dermatologists and beauty buffs often recommend serums as a great way to care for skin. Nevertheless, many people don’t understand what it is and why it can be an effective part of a skincare regimen. In addition to providing various benefits, this topical product is quite affordable.

Retinol Basics

Retinol is a type of retinoid, a family of chemicals that are derived from vitamin A. Another member of the retinoid group is tretinoin, a popular prescription-grade skincare product. For those who aren’t interested in a prescription drug, retinol is the top choice for an over-the-counter retinoid. Even those who might someday want to try a tretinoin prescription can benefit from starting with a low dose of retinol in order to help the skin work up to a higher-strength product.

Anti-Aging Benefits of Retinol

Retinoids are best known for their anti-aging properties. Research supports the idea that retinol and other retinoids may help increase collagen production in the skin. Collagen is responsible for skin’s firm, plump appearance. As collagen disappears with age, wrinkles appear. Therefore, boosting collagen production may help keep fine lines and wrinkles from looking as obvious.

To further enhance its effects, retinol has the potential to speed up cellular turnover. This means that old skin cells are shed sooner, revealing the healthy new skin underneath. Retinol, therefore, may help skin look brighter and fresher.

Although wrinkle reduction and skin brightening are usually the top benefits touted for retinol, this product also helps with acne, a problem that can plague people of all ages. Retinol can help remove clogs from pores, which may clear up breakouts or keep new pimples from forming. This chemical could also reduce the appearance of pores.

Nourish Skin with Hyaluronic Acid

Skin tissue naturally contains glycosaminoglycan, which is more commonly known as hyaluronic acid (HA). This water-drawing substance contributes to skin’s youthful, well-hydrated appearance, but the body’s stores of it diminish over time. Using HA products topically or internally may restore some of the benefits of natural glycosaminoglycan.

Advantages of Hyaluronic Acid for Skin Protection

According to studies, HA may have the ability to work as an antioxidant Skincare experts value antioxidant because these substances may be able to fight against the damaging effects of free radicals.

Because applying HA to the skin could help protect against skin damage, it may be able to slow down the effects of aging. Damaged skin looks older, but protected skin may stay “youthful” for longer.

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid as a Skin Moisturizer

Hyaluronic acid is a humectant. This means that it is a substance with the ability to attract water. According to scientific research, HA can attract up to 1,000 times its weight in water. In other words, just one drop of this substance can grab onto 6 liters of moisture.

Skin needs water to look and feel healthy. Using an HA product may help the skin take advantage of the moisture that naturally occurs in the environment. This may give skin a soft, moisturized feel throughout the day.

Topical HA doesn’t always absorb into the skin. To nourish skin from the inside out, it may be a good idea to take HA supplements. Research has demonstrated that supplements are able to improve dry skin.

Tips for Using Topical Hyaluronic Acid

Most skin types can take advantages of the benefits of topical HA. It typically feels light and refreshing, so it doesn’t usually cause breakouts or trigger a reaction in sensitive skin. However, it’s always smart to patch-test new products first.

Keep in mind that using hyaluronic acid products in dry climates may be different than using them in more humid climates. In particularly dry climates, hyaluronic acid may not be able to attract enough moisture from the air. As a result, it might draw water from the skin’s reserves instead. Therefore, those living in dry climates may do better with a serum that includes both hyaluronic acid and a mix of other moisturizing ingredients rather than using pure HA.

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